What is CalWORKs?
The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program offers temporary cash aid assistance, nutrition benefits, employment services and health insurance to eligible families who have children under age 18 or who are graduating before they turn 19. This is California's version of the Federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program.
CalWORKs provides time-limited cash payments to families with children under 18 when one or both parents is absent, disabled, deceased or unemployed. If eligible for CalWORKs you automatically qualify for Medi-Cal and may also qualify for CalFresh.
CalWORKs Benefits
- Temporary cash aid (EBT card or direct deposit)
- CalWORKs Employment Services to help families become self-reliant, including:
- Child care
- Referrals to substance abuse and mental health services
- Transportation support
- Job training
- Educational support
- Medi-Cal Health Benefits
- CalFresh (formerly Food Stamps) if eligible.