Striving for Excellence!
Free Training!
Dementia Care Challenges - Session 2
February 19, 2025, 1 to 2:30 pm on Zoom
Understanding dimentia behavior is a challenge. This webinare series will provide an overview of possible causes of behavior changes with the goal of helping caregivers learn how to respond effectively. Session 2 addresses issues regarding anxiety, gitation and anger. To register for this online session, click on our flyer in ENGLISH or in SPANISH.
Timesheet Training
Provider Resources
As an IHSS provider you are automatically represented by SEIU Local 2015 for wages, benefits and certain terms of employment.
Visit for IHSS caregiver resources. You can also join the SEIU Local 2015 as a union member. For information on SEIU 2015 membership, see the
Membership Form or call the Member Action Center at 855-810-2015. Learn more at:

Additional Resources